Cupcake Workshop

Proposal: each child will make 2 cupcakes (1 chocolate and 1 vanilla), put on their icing and decorate. The child can eat one and take the other, or take both as a souvenir.

Mass: chocolate and vanilla.

Fillings and toppings: traditional and white brigadeiro.

Confectionery and Decoration: black, colored sprinkles, Choco Ball, Confetti, little stars and little hearts.

Included: the cupcake packaging with each child's ID topper.

Duration: about one hour and one hour and a half, depending on the amount of children.


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Sonhos em Cores is a recreation company that aims to bring the magic of playfulness and give color to your party, your event.


Recreation (Games and games), Manual Workshops; Face Painting, Temporary Tattoo, Balloon Sculpture, Storytelling, Fashion Dressing Room, Party, Treasure Hunt, Magic Show, Children's Music, Football Championship, Summer Camp.